Taiji and the London Commuter Rush hour in London, the crammed tube journey so many of us face day after day. Struggling through the crowd,…
Taiji for Health & Posture The following story is from one of our students who has found great success in learning Zhao Bao Taiji…
Taiji Shoes It’s been noticed, that after a certain period of time practicing tai ji, a preoccupation with footwear starts to creep in. From…
Merry Christmas Everyone! Just to let you know that there will still be some classes over this festive period. These are: Thursday 28 December 2017…
An exciting day for Azi School of Taiji as Master Liu was invited to be part of the One and Only Martial Arts Show with…
Firstly, welcome to our new website! We are fortunate to have the contribution of many of our students in creating and maintaining our new site. Please…
Here is an extract of the article online. Full article can be read here. TaiJi was created as a martial art sometime in the 12th…