Happy New Year 2019 – Year of the Pig! 新年快乐 2019 猪

As the past year shuffles out with it’s tail between its legs and the new one sticks it’s snout in the trough, we’ve decided it’s time to look back at all the things we’ve done this year. For the students of Azitaiji, the year of the dog was ushered in with two notable events. A remarkable night at the London Palladium the Cultures of China 2018 Festival of Spring, and a few days later we celebrated as a class with a delicious (if spicy!) dinner.

In spring we attended a special Wushu event The One and Only Martial Arts Show, organised by the Chinese Wushu Association. This event saw martial arts experts from China and the UK demonstrate and teach. Master Yazi Liu also performed a demonstration of Zhao Bao taiji.

Looking for our teacher? He’s the cool looking guy in black!
Mid summer brought with it a bit of a heatwave, just in time for the annual London competition for Traditional Tai Chi Chuan. Six members of the school took part, and very nearly wiped the board (not entirely, of course. Taiji practitioners are naturally humble people.)

Autumn saw us welcoming in the autumn moon festival with yet another lavish dinner, this time hosted by the London North East Chinese Society at one of the larger restaurants in Chinatown. Entertainments and luxurious food ensued.
And finally, our year in stats: this year we have
- eaten 10 birthday cakes (probably),
- drunk 123 gallons of tea (approximately), and
- worked our way through 104 packets of biscuits (conservative guess).
Happy new year, 新年快乐, and here’s to the next!